Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Back from work. Drinking Boris Bold 8.6%. It's a French beer I guess. It's compliments of a cook. He bought it for payback for a "rough" night. It was one of his first nights on the line. It wasn't too busy but with watching over his shoulder and waiting on his brain to complete processing and complete plates I guess I deserved a beer. That's me putting what he said into my own words. I think.
The kitchen is a well oiled machine and if one part is not working up to par then it slows down the whole thing. I don't wanna bash on one person and I won't say his/her name but if I was in his shoes (and, I have been many times), I would accept the fact that, that's just the way it is. It's not personal. It takes time* to adapt and adjust to a certain beat. And if you can't then it ain't for you. And, you definitively ain't for it. (*When I say time, we're talking days. Not weeks)

I feel like this post is boring to I will spice it up with some poetry slash cut and paste:

My best friend's a butcher, he has sixteen knives
He carries them all over the town at least he tries,
Oh look it stopped snowing
My best friend's from Poland and, um, he has a beard.
But they caught him with his case in that public place
That is what we had feared

He severed segments secretly you like that
He always took the time to speak with me
I liked him for that.
He severed segments so secretly you like that
He always took the time, he always took the time

Courtesy of Paul Banks. Interpol. Track - Roland. <3

Performing in Montreal August 9th/10 . Smile.

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